“The wisdom and compassion a woman can intuitively experience in childbirth can make her a source of healing and understanding for other women.”

—Stephen Gaskin

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Meet Your Doula!

Welcome! I'm Rachael Nelson, a Certified Birth Doula and Placenta Encapsulation Specialist. I am also a devoted wife, mother to two toddlers, and a true birth enthusiast! My fascination with pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood goes back as far as I can remember. Even as a little girl, I used to stuff a pillow under my shirt and pretend that I was pregnant. I was so passionate about it that I even breastfed my dolls! During college, I discovered the documentary, The Business of Being Born, which captured my attention and never let it go. I spent countless nights watching birth vlogs on Youtube, researching articles, and scouring social media for anything related to birth. In 2019, I became pregnant with my son, and I felt overwhelmed with fear. The pregnancy and birth plans that I had been dreaming of for so long were suddenly becoming a reality. Although I initially started my care with an excellent OBGYN, I felt like something was off. When Covid hit, I switched to a local midwife, and I knew right away that I had made the right choice. My dream of having a water birth came true, and I was surrounded by my husband, mother, midwife, and doula. My second pregnancy was an unexpected whirlwind birth, which launched me into the world of birth work!

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I firmly believe that giving birth is a sacred moment that marks not only the arrival of a new life but also the emergence of a new woman. My ultimate aspiration is to preserve the sanctity of the birthing space, creating an environment that empowers women to birth freely and surrender to the process. As a space holder for mothers, I am committed to celebrating and empowering them throughout their birthing journey. My passion for serving women from all walks of life in every setting is rooted in the belief that every woman deserves to feel informed, supported, and autonomous during this significant moment in their lives. While the mantra "healthy mom, healthy baby" may be the norm, I am committed to ensuring that the mother's experience is equally important. I strive to make every woman's birthing dreams a reality, even if the path is not exactly what they envisioned. Whether you need emotional encouragement, guidance, information, or physical support, I will be your unwavering ally throughout your birthing journey.

Training and Certifications

I currently hold a Birth Bootcamp Birth Doula Certification and I am a Certified H.E.R.B.A.L Holistic Birthkeeper & Doula. In addition to my Doula trainings I am a BEST Certified Placenta Encapsulation Specialist, DoulaVersity TENS trained and a Brilliant Birth Certified Aromatherapist. In addition to my certifications and trainings I have a B.S. in Human Development and Family Studies from The University of Alabama.

"My dream is that every woman, everywhere, will know the joy of a truly safe, comfortable, and satisfying birthing for herself and her baby.”

— Marie Mongan

Kathryn J Birth Stories